What Does Your Favourite Christmas Film Say About You?
FRIENDLY REMINDER: These are simply jokes, and I am in no way making fun of a real-life event or person. All scenarios are made up and are strictly for my own entertainment, (and hopefully yours too!). We all love a Christmas film, even the cringy, lovey dovey ones. To be honest though, during the Christmas season when I’ve asked the ever important “what’s your favourite Christmas film?” Some of the answers freak me out. I’m not one to judge, obviously, but I can definitely tell what kind of person you are based on your 'fav Christmas film'. I don’t know, I mean, I’m not a mind reader but I know most ‘Star Trek’ fans love Lego and I know all ‘UP’ fans are hopeless romantic ‘golden retriever' types. If you are one of these following people, let me know so I can laugh! So, without further ado, here’s what your 'Christmas fav' says about you: Die hard: Middle aged man who hates Christmas but tolerates it for the wife and kids. Probably has never and will ever watch T...