Released in 1970, The Aristocats is my first animated classic film review. The Disney movie follows a Parisian cat and her three kittens as they are kidnapped and left in an estranged location and struggle to adventure home. Along the way they familiarise themselves with stray alley cat Thomas O’Malley who helps teach these indoor felines the ropes of an outdoor lifestyle. FUN FACT: According to IMBD, “The Aristocats was inspired by the true story of a Parisian family of cats, circa 1910, that inherited a fabulous fortune”, and yet here I am- a human, waiting for my next student loan to grace my bank account! If you’re an avid reader of my reviews you’ll be pleased to know that I am actually familiar with this classic and it is in fact, one of my favourite Disney movies ever! I know it may come as a surprise but when it comes to talking animals having a little sing song, nothing can get past me! Who’s your favourite kitten? Berlioz, Marie, or Toulouse? I feel ...