
Showing posts from May, 2022


Released in May 1992, ‘Basic Instinct’ starring Michael Douglas as Nick Curran and Sharon Stone as Catherine Tramell might possibly be my new favourite movie ever!  I just can’t explain my admiration and love for this classic. The casting was top tier and the entire movie plot was honourable, entertaining, dramatic and was quite literally full of raw sex appeal.  I was warned before watching Basic Instinct that it was basically porn and there wasn’t much to it other than that, but excluding the uncovered body parts and other romantic shenanigans, I thought the entire plot of the movie was just mesmerising and I was rooting for the police’s suspect, Catherine Tramell for the entire movie. I think the actress and her character is now my forever girl crush.  It sounds absolutely mental saying this, but Catherine Tramell has the intelligence, looks and style, wittiness and cunningness that I aspire to have. She is my new role model, (without the murderer aspect of her personality, of cours


Released in May 1986, Top Gun is an American action drama movie that follows Maverick (Tom Cruise), as he trains at the ‘Top Gun Naval Fighter Weapons School’ and struggles to fit in with the other pilots. Maverick competes for the chance to be ‘Top Gun’ in his class whilst enjoying the presence of his female flight instructor, Charlie.  First of all, what I need to get off my chest is how attractive Tom Cruise is in this movie! Maverick’s cool, mysterious vibe completely works for Cruise. Can you believe the actor will be 60 in July!! It’s mind blowing and I need to know what moisturiser he’s using!  I won’t lie, I got second hand embarrassment at the beginning of the movie for Maverick as he worked to woo Charlie at the bar with the help of his best friend, Goose. The idea of men randomly singing in your face is petrifying so I don’t know why they thought it would work in this situation. Surprisingly it did, but that wasn’t real life was it so I mustn’t knock it.  Fun fact time: Tom