Released in 1990, Goodfellas follows Henry Hill as he tackles life in the mob, his relationship with his wife, Karen, and his rollercoaster adventures in and out of jail with his mob partners Jimmy Conway and Tommy Devito. Firstly, I found Goodfellas extremely confusing. So much was happening throughout the 2 and a half hour movie that I didn’t know where to look half the time. Someone was either being shot or doing the shooting. I’m still unsure where these men were getting their money I won't lie. I know Paulie, (the main money man), had some incredible opportunity for the three main characters of the movie, but their stacks of cash appeared from nowhere half the time. Now lets take a second to appreciate the cast- Robert Deniro as Jimmy, Joe pesci as Tommy, and Ray Liotta as narrator Henry. Another honourable mention is the mother of the director Martin Scorsese; Catherine who played Tommys' hilarious mother! If someone mentions a classic movie with gangs, violenc...